Competency Based Approaches of Teaching

Project-based Approach-Learning by doing is critical in early education. Projects, especially those involving collaboration with peers, enable children to develop a wide range of skills.

Story-based Approach- Stories, through involving children directly in their learning process, help them build their own vocabulary. Besides being a rich resource in language learning and teaching, stories also introduce the world beyond their immediate experience, thereby helping children learn much more than words.

Theme-based Approach- The thematic approach is a way of teaching and learning where many areas of the curriculum are connected together and integrated within a theme.

In developing choosing a topic/theme or an individual unit of inquiry, organized around a central idea, the following are proposed as useful criteria.   Each unit/ theme or topic may consider the following elements:
Engaging: Of interest to the children and involving them actively in their own learning.
Relevant: Linked to the children’s prior knowledge and experience, and current circumstances, and therefore placing learning in a context connected to the lives of the children.
Challenging: Extending the prior knowledge and experience of the children to increase their competencies and understanding.
Significant: Contributing to an understanding of the transdisciplinary nature of the theme or topic, and therefore to an understanding of commonality of human experiences.
  • Themes can be developed and implemented on the following principles:

• Building activities keeping in mind children’s interests

• Creating activities that will encourage exploration through the senses

• Giving children the opportunity to investigate and manipulate by providing hands-on experience with real objects

• Helping children develop new knowledge and skills, based on what they already know  and can do

• Providing activities that deals with all aspects of development such as language,

  • cognitive, social, emotional, creative and physical

• Providing children with multiple opportunities to experience movement and physical activity, social interactions, independence and positive self esteem

• Respecting individual differences in relation to cultural backgrounds and home experiences children bring with them to the classroom

• Planning for different ways and opportunities to involve family members of children